Angel.Care 8000B Multi-Parameter Monitor

Angel.Care 8000B is a Multifunctional Patient Monitor.

12.1" Active Color TFT Display
Compact, Light Weight and Portable, Built-in High Capacitance battery, DC/AC Power Supply, Uninterrupted Monitoring
Simultaneous Display of I, II, V Lead ECG Waveforms, with 7 Leads Waveforms Full Screen Display Shiftable
Reviewable ECG Waveform, S-T Segment analysis, Automatic Storing and Retrospection of Maximum 128 hours of Graphic and Tabular Trends Information of All Parameters
Operational Interface Captions in English, Protection against Interference from Defibrillation and High Frequency Electrosurgery , Suitable for all kinds of Clinic Circumstances
2 Windows Display, Net-working Capability
3 Hours Direct Simultaneous Trends Display of 3 Parameters in the Main Screen: Heart Rate, SpO2 and Respiration
Digital SpO2 Technique, Capable of Precise Measurement of Weak Perfusion and Finger Dithering
Standard Configuration:
ECG/HR (Electrocardiograph/Heart Rate)
SpO2 (Saturation of Pulse Oximetry)
Noninvasive Blood Pressure
Optional Configuration:
Technical Specifications:

Number of Leads: 5
Lead View: Automatic Software Shiftting among I, II, III, avR, avL, avF, V1~V6
Gain Selection: ×0.5, ×1, ×2, ×4
Sweep Speed: 12.5mm/s, 25 mm/s, 50 mm/s
Frequency Response: 0.5-40HZ(Monitor),0.05-100 HZ(Diagnostic),1-25 HZ(Surgery)
Insulation Capability: Power Resistance 4500V, 50HZ
Leakage Current: <10UA
Heart Rate Range: 0-255 bpm
Accuracy: ±18 bpm
Alarm Range: Upper Limit: 0-255bpm, Lower Limit: 0-160bpm, Lead Disconnection
Noninvasive Blood Pressure:
Technique: Automatic Nonlinear Oscillometric upon Inflation Method
Cuff Inflation: First Time 180mmHG(Adult), 60mmHG(Pediatric)
Time of Inflation: <15sec(0-300mmHG Adult Cuff), <10sec(0-120mmHG Pediatric Cuff)
Duration of Measurement: 25sec
Measuring Mode: Manual, Rapid and Periodic
Timing for Measurement: Selectional Interval 3-60 min
Timing for Manual Measurement: Selectional
Alarm Range:
· Systolic Pressure: Upper Limit: 60-300mmHG, Lower Limit: 0-160 mmHG,
· Diastolic Pressure: Upper Limit: 40-250 mmHG, Lower Limit: 0-130 mmHG,
· Average Pressure Limit: 50-255 mmHG, Lower Limit: 0-150 mmHG
Range: 25C~45C
Accuracy: ±0.1C(32C-42C)
Resolution: 0.1C
Range: 0~255bpm
Accuracy: ±1 bpm
Resolution: 1 bpm
Range: 0~100%
Resolution: 1%
Accuracy: ±1%(90~100%), ±2%(60~89%)
Alarm Range: Upper Limit: 80~100%, Lower Limit: 0~99%
Range: 0~120bpm
Accuracy: ±1 bpm
Resolution: 1 bpm
Graphic and Tabular Trends
Parameters Displayed: HR, SpO2, Respiration, Systolic Pressure, Average Pressure, Diastolic Pressure, Pulse Rate
Features: 0-128 Hours Optional Interval, Capable of Tracing and Displaying of Parameters at Any Selected Measurement Point in the Trends Graphic with a gauge.
Range: Continuously Adjustable from Lower to Upper Limit
Description: User Configurable Settings of Alarm ON/OFF and Silence for Each Monitored Parameter
Origin: Irregular Indication, Lead Disconnection
Alarm Indications: Audible, Visual Response to Parameter Variation on the Screen
Type: High Precision Graphic Printer
Port: Standard Parallel
Print Setting: Manual, Alarm Triggered, Timing Triggered, Live Record
Power Requirements: